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Thorold Multimodal Hub Named Brownie Award Winner
Canadian Brownfields Network recognizes BMI’s Transformative Work
The Canadian Brownfields Network annually recognizes Canada's top brownfield redevelopment projects that exemplify innovation, environmental sustainability, and positive community impact.
BMI received the 2023 Renew-Large Scale Project award for its extensive work in transforming the closed paper mill in Thorold into the dynamic Niagara Ports Multimodal Industrial Complex.
Giancarlo Bortolon, BMI's Environmental Coordinator, alongside Carol Mitchell, Technical Director and Senior Environmental Engineer, and Jennifer Kato, Manager of Environmental Site Assessment at MTE Consultants, led the remediation efforts.
Vertex Environmental and Rankin Construction managed comprehensive remediation solutions, including the implementation of an innovative Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB).
A PRB is an in-ground filtration system that employs reactive materials, such as activated carbon, which either capture or chemically alter pollutants to purify groundwater as it flows through it.
The project's success has attracted major industry players like High-Strength Plates, CHAR Technologies, and Storm Fisher Hydrogen catalyzing over one billion dollars in infrastructure investments.
"We're proud of the imagination and dedication of our team, and grateful to all of our partners who have helped us come so far, so fast. Our restorative development model recognizes the value inherent in legacy industrial spaces and positions them for the future—we’re thrilled to be recognized with this Brownie Award."
Justus Veldman, Market & Business Development Officer, BMI